6 ways to adapt your brand to reach your buyers effectively

6 ways to adapt your brand to reach your buyers effectively

 The year 2020 pushed marketers to their extent and beyond their limit to change, rewrite, redesign, rework, and reconsider strategies, stories, and (even) themselves along the way. That said, the opportunities that came with those challenges taught us many valuable lessons. A singular theme, "OUR AUDIENCE HAS CHANGED", emerged at the core of those lessons, and along with it, their expectation from a brand has changed.

 So, as the dust settled in 2020, how do we, as brand leaders, use what we've learned to reach the 2021 buyers? How do our brand strategy and voice evolve into what our buyers want to hear and engage with? How to establish trust with the market today and leave a legacy of transparency, credibility, and value in our present daily business? There are three fundamental lessons below we have learned in 2020 and ways to put your brand in the best window possible to connect with your buyers in the future of 2021.  

 The 2021 buyer wants different experiences. The buyers are skeptical and informed more than ever. Where they search, how they make purchasing decisions, what budget remains, whom they trust to help, all of it has turned on its head, and that's only how they were impacted professionally and personally. Our audiences were in no doubt left exhausted-yet-reflective, constantly taking stock of what is important.

 Meet your buyers where they already are - Many B2B tech brands realize that their website isn't the only destination their buyers' visit (or reference) to learn about their solutions. And they are not coming to your trade show, your office, your conference, or your dinner party due to COVID-19. They turn on to their peers via social media for interaction and marketplaces for reviews and online purchasing. So instead of fighting the wave, ride it and adopt the changing wave and ensure that your brand is right at the traffic.

 Engage with your buyers, human to human - It took almost a year of being locked up at home for us to complete the digital-social cycle, but we have finally arrived. All of us, and especially your buyers, miss people. We miss handshaking, hugging, laughing, and meeting at a party. We miss meeting up and being inspired by each other in close contact. So rather than cooking up the same storyline and tagline for your brand campaigns, assign a face value to your content. Build social media presence with more POV posts, interacting with buyers in the comments and posts, and elevating top employees to do the same from their accounts. Build marketplace profiles by showing love to the imagery, messaging, credibility, and experience for what your customers love about you most. Ensure you are constantly updating the content, engaging in FAQs, featuring customer testimonials, and collecting new reviews so that buyers don't just stumble upon your product but feel like a part of the community.

 The 2021 buyer has a voice - Remember, capturing customer sentiment is like trying to find a hidden treasure chest, except that when you finally find the treasure chest, you are not aware whether there would be gold coins or spiders in it. The task of collecting customer feedback is not easy. It has become essential for B2B and B2C brands to compete, from protesting injustice to demanding accountability and boycotting the brands that didn't align with their face values. The modern buyers in 2021 are passionate, compassionate, and have the proper knowledge to make their voices heard.

 Find what your customers care about - Find ways to capture the customer's sentiment. There are layers that truly satisfy them, ranging from product fit to brand engagement, customer service to loyalty and morale alignment - all of these are elements buyers are eager to share, and they are all easily available. Posting helpful questions and discussions on social media will help understand your buyers' day-to-day challenges, tones, and desires. And recording calls can pull out intangible insights like what power your brand incites in your buyer and where they may be frustrated or forgotten in their endeavor.

 Place their voice at the heart of your brand - Once that feedback is captured, all that is left to do is to amplify it. Sharing video testimonials about your product, adding customer-vote badges and awards to your social and marketplace profiles, hosting customers on your podcasts and webinars — all of these methods give buyers the stage and establish the relationship that is no longer transactional but build on trust, partnership and transparency.

 Figure out exactly what your company values - It is necessary to start down this path, and it is time to solidify it because indifference will be firmly rejected in 2021. Start to establish these:

  • Causes that your company supports and what does that support looks like - financial or service or promotional.
  • Standards and expectations will hold your employees, customers, and vendors in 2021.
  • How to enforce those standards when broken.
  • Areas of growth to hold on to your business and accountability.

Once a set of brand values is established, it will become necessary to effectively and fearlessly advertise them — internally, and of course, to the market.

 Buyers of 2021 have made it clear that they intend to align their purchases (and wallets) with businesses that align with their values, even at the expense of a better deal or brand. But standing up for something better may not be as risky as you think. But buyers don't expect you to say how you feel, they expect you to act on it, and there are plenty of actions to be taken by tech brands in 2021. Whether it is opening a new office in a diverse area or holding users and customers accountable, following your principles may be costly in the short-term but assuredly invaluable overall.

 We have never felt the pressure currently being placed upon the brands we represent. But with that pressure comes an incredible opportunity to establish authentic trust with buyers, achieving true brand loyalty, and building a legacy of which we can be proud for long.
